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The Executive Member for Economy and Transport Decision Session

Meeting date:


Report of:

James Gilchrist, Director, Environment, Transport and Planning

Portfolio of:

Cllr. Kilbane. Executive Member for Economy and Transport

Decision Report: Acknowledgement of Petitions

Subject of Report


1.   The purpose of this paper is to acknowledge and address a number of petitions that have been submitted to Highways and Transport.

2.   The petitions are as follows:

             i.        Strensall Cycle Path;

            ii.        Haxby Moor Road Resurface;

           iii.        Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface;

          iv.        Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road – epetition;

            v.        Farrar Street ResPark;

          vi.        Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone;

         vii.        Removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank.

3.   The progress in terms of work on each petition varies depending on what has already been in train and what has been initiated in response to the petition.




Council Plan


4.   This report and recommendations reflect the new administrations priorities in terms of engaging and consulting widely with citizens on transport issues.


5.   This report is supportive of the following priorities in the Council Plan which focuses on key outcomes that include:

·       Good health and wellbeing

·       Getting around sustainably and

·        A greener and cleaner City of York Council safe communities and culture for all.


Recommendation and Reasons


6.   The Executive Member is asked to note the receipt of the petitions and to review the recommendations against each petition below:

(i)          Strensall Cycle Path

It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that connecting Strensall with Huntington and Earswick has provisionally been identified as a priority route as part of the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Ward Councillors will be engaged with on this item as the LCWIP develops, the next stage of which is public consultation, this autumn;


(ii)         Haxby Moor Road Resurface

It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. The council has a backlog of maintenance and limited funding, therefore difficult decisions have to be made to prolong the life of assets. Asset management underpins our decision making. An inspection of the condition will be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required will be delivered. Ward Councillors will be engaged with;



(iii)       Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface

It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. The council has a backlog of maintenance and limited funding, therefore difficult decisions have to be made to prolong the life of assets.  Asset management underpins our decision making. An inspection of the condition will be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required will be delivered. Ward Councillors will be engaged with;


(iv)       Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road

It is recommended to the Executive Member to request that more detailed work on measures is considered as part of the Transport Capital programme in 2024/25;


(v)         Farrar Street ResPark

It is recommended to the Executive Member to approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list;


(vi)       Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone

It is recommended to the Executive Member to approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list;


(vii)     Removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank

It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that the Council will engage with residents and Ward Councillors and review traffic management in the area ahead of the next race season;


Reason: To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.





7.   A number of petitions have been submitted to the Council within the scope of the portfolio of the Executive Member of Economy and Transport since the full council meeting in April. A summary of each petition is shown in Annex A.


8.   Some of the petitions are requests related to maintenance of the Highway. The prioritisation of Highway Maintenance is subject to an annual condition survey and along with other factors provide a ranking for each street in terms of intervention. The highest ranked streets are then prioritised for the limited funding available for Highway maintenance. It is possible that maintenance hasn’t been undertaken on a particular street because it does not rank high enough. There is a risk that initial analysis of the petition leads to the same conclusion that the street is not high enough priority for an intervention, however, in each case there will be a commitment to inspect and to discuss further with Ward councillors.


9.   Requests for resident parking have increased in the last 3-4 years. This increase in demand has resulted in an increase in the waiting list for investigating new requests. A number of requests for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) of varying scales have come through. At the Executive Member decision session in March 2023 it was agreed to consolidate the list of Resident parking schemes with the LTN schemes. The list can be found in Annex B.


10.        The process and likely timescales for investigating and implementing a scheme is also outlined on the waiting list in Annex B.



(i)               Strensall Cycle Path


11.        This petition asks that City of York Council prioritise the creation of a safe sustainable off-road cycle path connecting Strensall with Huntington and Earswick. A plan of the area can be found in Annex C (note this is illustrative and a route may not exactly follow the path highlighted area on the map).


12.        It is recommended that the Executive Member note that connecting Strensall with Huntington and Earswich has provisionally been identified as a priority route as part of the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Ward Councillors will be engaged with on this item as the LCWIP develops.


(ii)              Haxby Moor Road Resurface


13.        This petition asks the Council to prioritise the resurfacing of Haxby Moor Road by adding it to the Highways department work plan list. A plan of the area can be found in Annex D.


14.        According the condition assessments, Haxby Moor Road:

1.   Resurface – Two lengths identified as candidate resurfacing schemes ranked No 397 and 430 out of a total 434 resurfacing schemes. Not expected to be included on a resurfacing programme in the next 5 years;

2.   Surface treatment (dressing) – Ranked 137 out of 204 candidate schemes. Unlikely to be included on a surface treatment programme in the next 5 years.


15.        It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. An inspection of the condition will be undertaken and Ward Councillors will be engaged with.


(iii)       Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface


16.        The petition asks the Council to prioritise the resurfacing of Kingsmoor Road, Chaumont Way, Marmian Drive, Gay Meadows, The Limes Stone Riggs and Sandy Lane by adding it to the highways department work programme. A plan of the identified roads can be found in Annex E.


17.        According to condition assessments, in Stockton-on-the-Forest:

1.   Kingmoor road – Ranked 88 out of 434 candidate resurfacing schemes and may be considered on the capital programme in the next 5 years (not currently on the 23/24 or 24/25 programme);

2.   Chaumont Way – Not identified for any candidate scheme;

3.   Marmian drive – Not identified for any candidate scheme;

4.   Gay meadow – Ranked 181 out of 204 candidate surface dressings schemes. Unlikely to be on the capital programme in the next 5 years;

5.   The Limes – Defined candidate patching schemes ranked between 2529 and 2894 out of 3162 schemes/sites and as such not likely to be included on the capital programme in the next 5 years;

6.   Stone Riggs – Ranked 39 out of 434 candidate resurfacing schemes and may be considered on the capital programme in the next 5 years (not currently on the 23/24 or 24/25 programme);

7.   Sandy Lane between Barr Lane and Common Lane has been identified for a number of quite densely spaced candidate patching schemes ranked between 669 and 3128 out of 3162 patching schemes/sites. Given the density of patching on this 850m section it is likely to be included on a capital programme in the next 5 years (note, it is not on the draft 24/25 programme);


18.        It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. An inspection of the condition will be undertaken and Ward Councillors will be engaged with.


(iv)       Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road


19.        This petition asks the Council to improve road safety at Hopgrove, York on the A1036 Malton Road. A location plan can be found in Annex F. This would be to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists and to improve safety at the junction for all road users. Explicitly identified is the request to install a mini roundabout at the junction.


20.        This has been the subject of a previous report that was considered by the Executive Member for Transport in February 2021. This was in response to a previous petition asking to install a left turn lane at A1036 Malton Road junction with Hopgrove Lane South (with the left turn lane being on the exit from Hopgrove Lane South). As a result modelling work was undertaken on the junction. This was communicated to Ward Councillors in terms of the impacts on traffic and traffic routing


21.        The main view from Officers was, given the impending National Highways scheme at Hopgrove Roundabout and the Outer Ring Road scheme, it may be beneficial to wait until it was clearer what the designs of those schemes would be an the impacts before doing any further work. It was noted by Officers though that the strength of feeling around road amongst residents and Ward Councillors was high.


22.        The issue of installing a roundabout would likely be a costly undertaking in this area. Further work would need to establish whether this type of intervention would be of benefit in terms of maker the road safer.


23.        The accident statistics in this area are low (3 collisions in the slight category in the last 5 years). There is very little room for reallocation of spend in this financial year to this scheme.


24.        It is recommended to the Executive Member to request that more detailed work on measures is considered as part of the Transport Capital programme in 2024/25.


(v)              Farrar Street ResPark


25.        There are 42 responses within the petition requesting that the street becomes residents parking zone. Annex G is a plan showing the location. The list of resident parking schemes can be found in Annex B.


26.        The Executive Member is asked to approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


(vi)       Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone


27.        There are 15 responses within the petition requesting that the street becomes residents parking zone. Annex H is a plan showing the location. The list of resident parking schemes can be found in Annex B.


28.        The Executive Member is asked to approve the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


(vii)     Removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank


29.        A number of representations have been made around the traffic management in South Bank and Race Days. This includes this petition to remove race day barriers in a couple of locations (see Annex I for a location plan). Officers and Councillors have met resident groups on a number of matters.


30.        It is recommended to the Executive Member to note that the Council will engage with residents and Ward Councillors and review traffic management in the area ahead of the next race season.

Organisational Impact and Implications


31.        Financial, there are no immediate financial implications associated with any of the proposed responses to the petitions. It is anticipated that where resources may be required these will be met from existing budget allocations.


32.        Human Resources (HR), There are no implications around the decisions in this report.


33.        Legal, the implementation in due course of the various proposals/schemes referred to above may have implications from a legal perspective, such as the need to make Orders pursuant to the Council’s statutory powers pursuant to statutory process(es).


34.        Procurement, there are no implications around the decisions in this report.


35.        Equalities, The Council recognises its Public Sector Equality Duty under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct; advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it in the exercise of a public authority’s functions). Equalities Impact assessments will be carried out where work is taken forward on schemes as a result of this paper.


36.        Crime and Disorder, there are no implications around the decisions in this report.


37.        Property, there are no implications around the decisions in this report.


38.        Other, there are no implications around the decisions in this report.

Risks Management


39.        The risks associated with the delivery of the outcomes of this report with respect to responding to petitions will be managed in each individual projects.



Wards Impacted


40.        All.


Contact details


For further information please contact the authors of this Decision Report.





Helene Vergerau

Job Title:

Head of Highway Access and Development

Report approved:







Dave Atkinson

Job Title:

Head of Highways and Transport

Service Area:

Highways and Transport

Report approved:





Specialist Implications Officers

Financial Implications Patrick Looker – Finance Manager

Legal Implications Sandra Branigan – Senior Solicitor


Background papers



Annex A: Petitions summary

Annex B: Consolidated Residents Parking Scheme/Low Traffic Neighbourhood Waiting List

Annex C: Strensall Cycle path plan

Annex D: Haxby Moor Road Resurface plan

Annex E: Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface plan

Annex F: Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road plan

Annex G: Farrar Street ResPark plan

Annex H: Garrow Hill Avenue ResPark plan

Annex I: Removal of Race Day Barriers, South Bank plan



DfT – Department for Transport

LCWIP – Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure plan